Pauline is a wonderful teacher. Using her techniques and tools, I routinely slay the nastiest of dragons
Mary Jane LaVigne


As a contemporary master teacher, mentor and community leader, Pauline brilliantly weaves the science of the mind with the art of spiritual expansion and understanding. Our work together has given me the invaluable gifts of self-knowing, personal power, open-heartedness, love of my body and, perhaps most importantly, a passion for life and reverence for all of Creation.
Morgan Luzier


My life has shifted in such an unbelievable way since I began my work with Pauline. My doldrums and destitute periods have been replaced with clarity and knowledge of my life cycles. I am able to understand my own valleys and mountains in such a way that I can move effortlessly through my life without stalling at every snag in the road. I relate with people on a deeper level and my degree of intimacy with myself and others has increased beyond what I thought was a possibility. Pauline is not my mechanic, she taught me how to be one for myself. That gift is invaluable!
Lisa Pederson


I have been associated with Pauline for over 10 years.  I originally began seeing her as my therapist and have “graduated” to being a part of her spiritual groups and workshops.  I can honestly say that Pauline has helped me to not only overcome my depression and low self-esteem, but has also been very influential in my spiritual growth and continued self improvement.  Through her techniques of breathing, imagery, meditation, and scream therapy, I have been able to release the anger and sadness that held me captive for many years.  My life is so much richer and fuller thanks to her help and guidance.
Mary Herbst


I participated in individual and group therapy with Pauline, which eventually led into a mentoring relationship. Her wisdom and unique ability to assess and heal core issues allowed me to move through several difficult hurdles in my life. Through Pauline, I gained a high level of self-awareness, an ability to recognize, face and overcome problems, and the ability to facilitate hope for myself and others. As a mentor, Pauline prepared me for my graduate program in Marriage and Family Therapy, assisted me in starting my own business and advised me in several key areas of my professional growth. Pauline continues to be a source of inspiration for me both personally and professionally.
Kathleen Schiltz, M.S.


In this time of change and uncertainty, she holds the light for peace and compassion through individual growth, group intimacy, global consciousness and other-worldly awareness. She is a true gift for those seeking their truth.